comparison dep/animone/data/players.animone @ 337:a7d4e5107531

dep/animone: REFACTOR ALL THE THINGS 1: animone now has its own syntax divergent from anisthesia, making different platforms actually have their own sections 2: process names in animone are now called `comm' (this will probably break things). this is what its called in bsd/linux so I'm just going to use it everywhere 3: the X11 code now checks for the existence of a UTF-8 window title and passes it if available 4: ANYTHING THATS NOT LINUX IS 100% UNTESTED AND CAN AND WILL BREAK! I still actually need to test the bsd code. to be honest I'm probably going to move all of the bsds into separate files because they're all essentially different operating systems at this point
author Paper <>
date Wed, 19 Jun 2024 12:51:15 -0400 (8 months ago)
equal deleted inserted replaced
336:d260549151d6 337:a7d4e5107531
1 # This file includes media player data for Anisthesia. It is used to detect
2 # running players and retrieve information about current media.
3 #
4 # Please read before editing this file:
5 # - Indentation is significant. You must use tabs rather than spaces.
6 # - Regular expressions begin with a '^' character. ECMAScript grammar is used.
7 #
8 # The latest version of this file can be found at:
9 # <>
10 #
11 # This file is in the public domain.
13 5KPlayer
14 windows:
15 win32:
16 Qt5QWindowIcon
17 executables:
18 win32:
19 5KPlayer.exe
20 strategies:
21 open_files
23 Ace Player HD
24 windows:
25 win32:
26 QWidget
27 executables:
28 win32:
29 ace_player.exe
30 strategies:
31 # Must be enabled from: Advanced Preferences -> Interface -> Main
32 # interfaces -> Qt -> Show playing item name in window title
33 #
34 # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as
35 # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name.
36 window_title:
37 ^Ace Player HD.*|(.+) - Ace Player HD.*|.+
39 ALLPlayer
40 windows:
41 win32:
42 TApplication
43 executables:
44 win32:
45 ALLPlayer.exe
46 strategies:
47 open_files
49 Baka MPlayer
50 windows:
51 win32:
52 Qt5QWindowIcon
53 executables:
54 win32:
55 Baka MPlayer.exe
56 strategies:
57 open_files
58 # We cannot avoid detecting other windows such as Preferences dialog, which
59 # has the same generic class name.
60 window_title:
61 ^Baka MPlayer|(.+)
63 BESTplayer
64 windows:
65 win32:
66 TBESTplayerApp.UnicodeClass
67 executables:
68 win32:
69 BESTplayer.exe
70 strategies:
71 open_files
72 window_title:
73 ^BESTplayer.*|(.+) - BESTplayer.*
75 bomi
76 windows:
77 win32:
78 Qt5QWindowGLOwnDCIcon
79 executables:
80 win32:
81 bomi.exe
82 strategies:
83 open_files
84 window_title:
85 ^bomi|(.+) - bomi
87 BS.Player
88 windows:
89 win32:
90 BSPlayer
91 executables:
92 win32:
93 bsplayer.exe
94 strategies:
95 open_files
97 DivX Player
98 windows:
99 win32:
100 Qt5QWindowIcon
101 QWidget
102 executables:
103 win32:
104 DivX Player.exe
105 DivX Plus Player.exe
106 strategies:
107 open_files
109 GOM Player
110 windows:
111 win32:
112 GomPlayer1.x
113 GomPlayerPlus32_2.x
114 GomPlayerPlus64_2.x
115 executables:
116 win32:
117 GOM.exe
118 GOM64.exe
119 strategies:
120 open_files
121 window_title:
122 ^GOM Player(?: Plus)|(.+)(?:\[Subtitle\]) - GOM Player(?: Plus)
124 Kantaris
125 windows:
126 win32:
127 ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.20008\.app\..+
128 executables:
129 win32:
130 Kantaris.exe
131 KantarisMain.exe
132 strategies:
133 open_files
134 window_title:
135 ^Kantaris.*|(.+) \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} - \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
137 KMPlayer
138 windows:
139 win32:
140 KMPlayer 64X
141 TApplication
142 executables:
143 win32:
144 KMPlayer.exe
145 KMPlayer64.exe
146 strategies:
147 open_files
148 window_title:
149 ^(?:The )?KMPlayer|(?:\[\d+/\d+\] )?(.+) - (?:The )?KMPlayer|(.+)
151 Kodi
152 windows:
153 win32:
154 Kodi
155 XBMC
156 executables:
157 win32:
158 kodi.exe
159 XBMC.exe
160 strategies:
161 open_files
163 Light Alloy
164 windows:
165 win32:
166 TApplication
167 executables:
168 win32:
169 LA.exe
170 strategies:
171 open_files
172 window_title:
173 ^Light Alloy.*|(.+) - Light Alloy.*
175 Media Player Classic
176 windows:
177 win32:
178 MediaPlayerClassicW
179 executables:
180 win32:
181 mplayerc.exe
182 mplayerc64.exe
183 strategies:
184 open_files
185 # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar
186 window_title:
187 ^Media Player Classic|(.+) - Media Player Classic
189 Media Player Classic Qute Theater
190 windows:
191 win32:
192 ^Qt.+QWindowIcon
193 executables:
194 win32:
195 mpc-qt.exe
196 strategies:
197 open_files
198 # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar
199 #
200 # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as
201 # Options dialog, which has the same generic class name.
202 window_title:
203 ^Media Player Classic Qute Theater|Media Player Classic Qute Theater - (.+)|.+
205 Memento
206 windows:
207 win32:
208 ^Qt.+QWindowIcon
209 executables:
210 win32:
211 memento.exe
212 strategies:
213 open_files
214 window_title:
215 ^Memento|(.+) - Memento
217 Miro
218 windows:
219 win32:
220 gdkWindowToplevel
221 executables:
222 win32:
223 Miro.exe
224 strategies:
225 open_files
227 MPC-BE
228 windows:
229 win32:
230 MediaPlayerClassicW
231 MPC-BE
232 executables:
233 win32:
234 mpc-be.exe
235 mpc-be64.exe
236 strategies:
237 open_files
238 # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar
239 window_title:
240 ^MPC-BE.*|(.+) - MPC-BE.*
242 MPC-HC
243 windows:
244 win32:
245 MediaPlayerClassicW
246 executables:
247 win32:
248 mpc-hc.exe
249 mpc-hc64.exe
250 # Some codec installers append "_nvo" to the filename, if NVIDIA Optimus
251 # is present on the system. Similarly, various guides recommend
252 # appending "-gpu", etc. in order to fix some GPU-related issues.
253 ^mpc-hc.+
254 # LAV Filters Megamix
255 iris
256 shoukaku
257 strategies:
258 open_files
259 # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar
260 window_title:
261 ^Media Player Classic Home Cinema|MPC-HC|(.+)
264 windows:
265 win32:
266 ^wxWindow@.*
267 wxWindowClassNR
268 executables:
269 win32:
270 mpcstar.exe
271 strategies:
272 open_files
273 window_title:
274 ^MPCSTAR.*|(.+) - MPCSTAR.*
276 MPDN
277 windows:
278 win32:
279 ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.8\.app\..+
280 executables:
281 win32:
282 MediaPlayerDotNet.exe
283 strategies:
284 open_files
285 window_title:
286 ^MPDN - Media Player .NET \((?:32|64)-bit Edition\)|(.*) - MPDN \((?:32|64)-bit Edition\)
288 mpv
289 windows:
290 win32:
291 mpv
292 executables:
293 win32:
294 mpv.exe
295 strategies:
296 open_files
297 # May be in an unexpected format if "--title" option is used. Ideally, it
298 # should return only "${filename}", "${path}" or "${media-title}".
299 window_title:
300 ^No file - mpv|(.+) - mpv|mpv - (.+)
303 windows:
304 win32:
305 ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.8\.app\..+
306 executables:
307 win32:
308 mpvnet.exe
309 strategies:
310 open_files
311 window_title:
312 ^mpv\.net.*|(.+) - mpv\.net.*
314 MV2Player
315 windows:
316 win32:
317 TApplication
318 executables:
319 win32:
320 Mv2Player.exe
321 Mv2PlayerPlus.exe
322 strategies:
323 open_files
324 # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Constant app. title
325 window_title:
326 ^MV2 Player|(.+)
328 PotPlayer
329 windows:
330 win32:
331 PotPlayer
332 PotPlayer64
333 executables:
334 win32:
335 PotPlayer.exe
336 PotPlayer64.exe
337 PotPlayerMini.exe
338 PotPlayerMini64.exe
339 # LAV Filters Megamix
340 sumire.exe
341 zuikaku.exe
342 strategies:
343 open_files
344 window_title:
345 ^PotPlayer|(.+) - PotPlayer
347 SMPlayer
348 windows:
349 win32:
350 # Qt5QWindowIcon, Qt5152QWindowIcon, etc.
351 ^Qt.+QWindowIcon
352 # Older versions
353 QWidget
354 executables:
355 win32:
356 smplayer.exe
357 smplayer2.exe
358 strategies:
359 # "open_files" strategy does not work here, because files are loaded by
360 # a child process of SMPlayer (mplayer or mpv, depending on the selected
361 # multimedia engine).
362 #
363 # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as
364 # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name.
365 window_title:
366 ^SMPlayer|(.+) - SMPlayer|.+
368 Splash
369 windows:
370 win32:
372 executables:
373 win32:
374 Splash.exe
375 SplashLite.exe
376 strategies:
377 open_files
379 SPlayer
380 windows:
381 win32:
382 MediaPlayerClassicW
383 executables:
384 win32:
385 splayer.exe
386 strategies:
387 open_files
388 # Does not work in theater mode.
389 window_title:
390 ^SPlayer|(?:\[(?:GPU Accel\+)?EVR\] )?(.+) - SPlayer
392 UMPlayer
393 windows:
394 win32:
395 QWidget
396 executables:
397 win32:
398 umplayer.exe
399 strategies:
400 # "open_files" strategy does not work here, because files are loaded by
401 # a child process of UMPlayer (mplayer).
402 #
403 # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as
404 # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name.
405 window_title:
406 ^UMPlayer|(.+) - UMPlayer|.+
408 VLC media player
409 windows:
410 win32:
411 # Qt5QWindowIcon, Qt5151QWindowIcon, etc.
412 ^Qt.+QWindowIcon
413 # Older versions
414 QWidget
415 # Skinnable interface
416 SkinWindowClass
417 x11:
418 vlc
419 executables:
420 win32:
421 vlc.exe
422 posix:
423 vlc
424 strategies:
425 open_files
426 # Must be enabled from: Advanced Preferences -> Interface -> Main
427 # interfaces -> Qt -> Show playing item name in window title
428 #
429 # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as
430 # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name.
431 window_title:
432 ^VLC media player|(.+) - VLC media player|.+
434 WebTorrent Desktop
435 windows:
436 win32:
437 Chrome_WidgetWin_1
438 executables:
439 win32:
440 WebTorrent.exe
441 strategies:
442 window_title:
443 ^WebTorrent(?: \(BETA\))?|Main Window|Preferences|About WebTorrent.*|(.+)
445 Winamp
446 windows:
447 win32:
448 Winamp v1.x
449 executables:
450 win32:
451 winamp.exe
452 strategies:
453 open_files
454 window_title:
455 ^Winamp [\d.]+ Build \d+|\d+\. (.+) - Winamp(?: \[.+\])?
457 Windows Media Player
458 windows:
459 win32:
460 WMPlayerApp
461 WMP Skin Host
462 executables:
463 win32:
464 wmplayer.exe
465 strategies:
466 open_files
468 Zoom Player
469 windows:
470 win32:
471 TApplication
472 executables:
473 win32:
474 zplayer.exe
475 strategies:
476 open_files
477 window_title:
478 ^Zoom Player|(.+) - Zoom Player (?:FREE|MAX)
480 ################################################################################
481 # Web browsers
483 Brave Browser
484 windows:
485 win32:
486 Chrome_WidgetWin_1
487 executables:
488 win32:
489 brave.exe
490 strategies:
491 ui_automation
492 window_title:
493 ^(.+) \(Private\)(?: - Brave)?|(.+) - Brave|(.+)
494 type:
495 web_browser
497 Google Chrome
498 windows:
499 win32:
500 Chrome_WidgetWin_1
501 executables:
502 win32:
503 chrome.exe
504 strategies:
505 ui_automation
506 window_title:
507 ^(.+) \(Incognito\)(?: - Google Chrome)?|(.+) - Google Chrome|(.+)
508 type:
509 web_browser
511 Internet Explorer
512 windows:
513 win32:
514 IEFrame
515 executables:
516 win32:
517 iexplore.exe
518 strategies:
519 ui_automation
520 window_title:
521 ^(.+) - Internet Explorer(?: - \[InPrivate\])?
522 type:
523 web_browser
525 Microsoft Edge
526 windows:
527 win32:
528 Chrome_WidgetWin_1
529 executables:
530 win32:
531 msedge.exe
532 strategies:
533 ui_automation
534 window_title:
535 ^(.+) and \d+ more pages? - .+|(.+) - [^-]+ - Microsoft.*Edge|(.+)
536 type:
537 web_browser
539 Mozilla Firefox
540 windows:
541 win32:
542 MozillaUIWindowClass
543 MozillaWindowClass
544 executables:
545 win32:
546 firefox.exe
547 strategies:
548 ui_automation
549 window_title:
550 ^(?:Mozilla Firefox|Firefox Developer Edition)|(.+) (?:-|—) (?:Mozilla Firefox|Firefox Developer Edition)(?: \(Private Browsing\))?
551 type:
552 web_browser
554 Opera
555 windows:
556 win32:
557 Chrome_WidgetWin_1
558 executables:
559 win32:
560 opera.exe
561 strategies:
562 ui_automation
563 window_title:
564 ^(.+) - Opera(?: \(Private\))?
565 type:
566 web_browser
568 Waterfox
569 windows:
570 win32:
571 MozillaWindowClass
572 executables:
573 win32:
574 waterfox.exe
575 strategies:
576 ui_automation
577 window_title:
578 ^(.+) - Waterfox(?: \(Private Browsing\))?
579 type:
580 web_browser