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view dep/animone/data/players.anisthesia @ 304:2115488eb302
*: add very early season searcher
author | Paper <> |
date | Mon, 13 May 2024 17:02:35 -0400 (9 months ago) |
parents | 862d0d8619f6 |
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# This file includes media player data for Anisthesia. It is used to detect # running players and retrieve information about current media. # # Please read before editing this file: # - Indentation is significant. You must use tabs rather than spaces. # - Regular expressions begin with a '^' character. ECMAScript grammar is used. # # The latest version of this file can be found at: # <> # # This file is in the public domain. 5KPlayer windows: Qt5QWindowIcon executables: 5KPlayer strategies: open_files Ace Player HD windows: QWidget executables: ace_player strategies: # Must be enabled from: Advanced Preferences -> Interface -> Main # interfaces -> Qt -> Show playing item name in window title # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^Ace Player HD.*|(.+) - Ace Player HD.*|.+ ALLPlayer windows: TApplication executables: ALLPlayer strategies: open_files Baka MPlayer windows: Qt5QWindowIcon executables: Baka MPlayer strategies: open_files # We cannot avoid detecting other windows such as Preferences dialog, which # has the same generic class name. window_title: ^Baka MPlayer|(.+) BESTplayer windows: TBESTplayerApp.UnicodeClass executables: BESTplayer strategies: open_files window_title: ^BESTplayer.*|(.+) - BESTplayer.* bomi windows: Qt5QWindowGLOwnDCIcon executables: bomi strategies: open_files window_title: ^bomi|(.+) - bomi BS.Player windows: BSPlayer executables: bsplayer strategies: open_files DivX Player windows: Qt5QWindowIcon QWidget executables: DivX Player DivX Plus Player strategies: open_files GOM Player windows: GomPlayer1.x GomPlayerPlus32_2.x GomPlayerPlus64_2.x executables: GOM GOM64 strategies: open_files window_title: ^GOM Player(?: Plus)|(.+)(?:\[Subtitle\]) - GOM Player(?: Plus) Kantaris windows: ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.20008\.app\..+ executables: Kantaris KantarisMain strategies: open_files window_title: ^Kantaris.*|(.+) \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} - \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} KMPlayer windows: KMPlayer 64X TApplication executables: KMPlayer KMPlayer64 strategies: open_files window_title: ^(?:The )?KMPlayer|(?:\[\d+/\d+\] )?(.+) - (?:The )?KMPlayer|(.+) Kodi windows: Kodi XBMC executables: kodi XBMC strategies: open_files Light Alloy windows: TApplication executables: LA strategies: open_files window_title: ^Light Alloy.*|(.+) - Light Alloy.* Media Player Classic windows: MediaPlayerClassicW executables: mplayerc mplayerc64 strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar window_title: ^Media Player Classic|(.+) - Media Player Classic Media Player Classic Qute Theater windows: ^Qt.+QWindowIcon executables: mpc-qt strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Options dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^Media Player Classic Qute Theater|Media Player Classic Qute Theater - (.+)|.+ Memento windows: ^Qt.+QWindowIcon executables: memento strategies: open_files window_title: ^Memento|(.+) - Memento Miro windows: gdkWindowToplevel executables: Miro strategies: open_files MPC-BE windows: MediaPlayerClassicW MPC-BE executables: mpc-be mpc-be64 strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar window_title: ^MPC-BE.*|(.+) - MPC-BE.* MPC-HC windows: MediaPlayerClassicW executables: mpc-hc mpc-hc64 # Some codec installers append "_nvo" to the filename, if NVIDIA Optimus # is present on the system. Similarly, various guides recommend # appending "-gpu", etc. in order to fix some GPU-related issues. ^mpc-hc.+ # LAV Filters Megamix iris shoukaku strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar window_title: ^Media Player Classic Home Cinema|MPC-HC|(.+) MPCSTAR windows: ^wxWindow@.* wxWindowClassNR executables: mpcstar strategies: open_files window_title: ^MPCSTAR.*|(.+) - MPCSTAR.* MPDN windows: ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.8\.app\..+ executables: MediaPlayerDotNet strategies: open_files window_title: ^MPDN - Media Player .NET \((?:32|64)-bit Edition\)|(.*) - MPDN \((?:32|64)-bit Edition\) mpv windows: mpv executables: mpv strategies: open_files # May be in an unexpected format if "--title" option is used. Ideally, it # should return only "${filename}", "${path}" or "${media-title}". window_title: ^No file - mpv|(.+) - mpv|mpv - (.+) windows: ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.8\.app\..+ executables: mpvnet strategies: open_files window_title: ^mpv\.net.*|(.+) - mpv\.net.* MV2Player windows: TApplication executables: Mv2Player Mv2PlayerPlus strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Constant app. title window_title: ^MV2 Player|(.+) PotPlayer windows: PotPlayer PotPlayer64 executables: PotPlayer PotPlayer64 PotPlayerMini PotPlayerMini64 # LAV Filters Megamix sumire zuikaku strategies: open_files window_title: ^PotPlayer|(.+) - PotPlayer SMPlayer windows: # Qt5QWindowIcon, Qt5152QWindowIcon, etc. ^Qt.+QWindowIcon # Older versions QWidget executables: smplayer smplayer2 strategies: # "open_files" strategy does not work here, because files are loaded by # a child process of SMPlayer (mplayer or mpv, depending on the selected # multimedia engine). # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^SMPlayer|(.+) - SMPlayer|.+ Splash windows: DX_DISPLAY0 executables: Splash SplashLite strategies: open_files SPlayer windows: MediaPlayerClassicW executables: splayer strategies: open_files # Does not work in theater mode. window_title: ^SPlayer|(?:\[(?:GPU Accel\+)?EVR\] )?(.+) - SPlayer UMPlayer windows: QWidget executables: umplayer strategies: # "open_files" strategy does not work here, because files are loaded by # a child process of UMPlayer (mplayer). # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^UMPlayer|(.+) - UMPlayer|.+ VLC media player windows: # Qt5QWindowIcon, Qt5151QWindowIcon, etc. ^Qt.+QWindowIcon # Older versions QWidget # Skinnable interface SkinWindowClass # X11 vlc executables: vlc strategies: open_files # Must be enabled from: Advanced Preferences -> Interface -> Main # interfaces -> Qt -> Show playing item name in window title # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^VLC media player|(.+) - VLC media player|.+ WebTorrent Desktop windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: WebTorrent strategies: window_title: ^WebTorrent(?: \(BETA\))?|Main Window|Preferences|About WebTorrent.*|(.+) Winamp windows: Winamp v1.x executables: winamp strategies: open_files window_title: ^Winamp [\d.]+ Build \d+|\d+\. (.+) - Winamp(?: \[.+\])? Windows Media Player windows: WMPlayerApp WMP Skin Host executables: wmplayer strategies: open_files Zoom Player windows: TApplication executables: zplayer strategies: open_files window_title: ^Zoom Player|(.+) - Zoom Player (?:FREE|MAX) ################################################################################ # Web browsers Brave Browser windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: brave strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) \(Private\)(?: - Brave)?|(.+) - Brave|(.+) type: web_browser Google Chrome windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: chrome strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) \(Incognito\)(?: - Google Chrome)?|(.+) - Google Chrome|(.+) type: web_browser Internet Explorer windows: IEFrame executables: iexplore strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) - Internet Explorer(?: - \[InPrivate\])? type: web_browser Microsoft Edge windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: msedge strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) and \d+ more pages? - .+|(.+) - [^-]+ - Microsoft.*Edge|(.+) type: web_browser Mozilla Firefox windows: MozillaUIWindowClass MozillaWindowClass executables: firefox strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(?:Mozilla Firefox|Firefox Developer Edition)|(.+) (?:-|—) (?:Mozilla Firefox|Firefox Developer Edition)(?: \(Private Browsing\))? type: web_browser Opera windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: opera strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) - Opera(?: \(Private\))? type: web_browser Waterfox windows: MozillaWindowClass executables: waterfox strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) - Waterfox(?: \(Private Browsing\))? type: web_browser