view dep/animone/src/a11y/ @ 349:7e97c566cce4

services/kitsu: remove unused parameters in functions
author Paper <>
date Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:27:38 -0400 (8 months ago)
parents 1faa72660932
children 886f66775f31
line wrap: on
line source
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

#include <windows.h>
#include <uiautomation.h>

#include "animone/a11y.h"
#include "animone/a11y/win32.h"
#include "animone/util/win32.h"

/* need to define these separately because libtool is dysfunctional */
#include <initguid.h>

DEFINE_GUID(IID_IUIAutomation, 0x30cbe57d,0xd9d0,0x452a,0xab,0x13,0x7a,0xc5,0xac,0x48,0x25,0xee);
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CUIAutomation, 0xff48dba4,0x60ef,0x4201,0xaa,0x87,0x54,0x10,0x3e,0xef,0x59,0x4e);

namespace animone::internal::win32 {

// Windows Accessibility API reference:

// Commonly used interfaces
using Element = IUIAutomationElement;
using TreeWalker = IUIAutomationTreeWalker;
using ValuePattern = IUIAutomationValuePattern;

using element_proc_t = std::function<TreeScope(Element&)>;
using properties_t = std::vector<std::pair<long, bool>>;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

template <typename T>
struct ComInterfaceDeleter {
	static_assert(std::is_base_of<IUnknown, T>::value, "Invalid COM interface");
	using pointer = T*;
	void operator()(pointer p) const { if (p) p->Release(); }

template <typename T>
using ComInterface = std::unique_ptr<T, ComInterfaceDeleter<T>>;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// The main interface that is used throughout this file. Must be initialized
// before it can be used for the first time.
static ComInterface<IUIAutomation> ui_automation;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static bool InitializeUIAutomation() {
	if (ui_automation)
		return true;

	// COM library must be initialized on the current thread before calling
	// CoCreateInstance.

	IUIAutomation* ui_automation_interface = nullptr;
	const auto result = ::CoCreateInstance(
			CLSID_CUIAutomation, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUIAutomation,

	return SUCCEEDED(result);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static Element* GetElementFromHandle(HWND hwnd) {
	Element* element = nullptr;
	ui_automation->ElementFromHandle(static_cast<UIA_HWND>(hwnd), &element);
	return element;

static std::wstring GetElementName(Element& element) {
	std::wstring element_name;

	BSTR bstr = nullptr;
	if (SUCCEEDED(element.get_CurrentName(&bstr)) && bstr) {
		element_name = bstr;

	return element_name;

static std::wstring GetElementValue(Element& element) {
	std::wstring element_value;

	ValuePattern* value_pattern_interface = nullptr;
			UIA_ValuePatternId, IID_PPV_ARGS(&value_pattern_interface));
	ComInterface<ValuePattern> value_pattern(value_pattern_interface);

	if (value_pattern) {
		BSTR bstr = nullptr;
		if (SUCCEEDED(value_pattern->get_CurrentValue(&bstr)) && bstr) {
			element_value = bstr;

	return element_value;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static bool VerifyElementProperties(Element& element, const properties_t& properties) {
	VARIANT v = {};
	for (const auto& pair : properties) {
		if (FAILED(element.GetCurrentPropertyValue(pair.first, &v)))
			return false;
		if (v.boolVal != (pair.second ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE))
			return false;

	return true;

static bool IsAddressBarElement(Element& element) {
	static const properties_t properties = {
		{UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId, true},
		{UIA_IsKeyboardFocusablePropertyId, true},
		{UIA_IsValuePatternAvailablePropertyId, true},
		{UIA_ValueIsReadOnlyPropertyId, false},

	return VerifyElementProperties(element, properties);

static bool IsTabsElement(Element& element) {
	static const properties_t properties = {
		{UIA_ValueIsReadOnlyPropertyId, true},

	return VerifyElementProperties(element, properties);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static void WalkElements(TreeWalker& tree_walker, Element& parent, TreeScope scope,
                         size_t depth, element_proc_t element_proc) {
	constexpr size_t kMaxTreeDepth = 16;  // arbitrary value
	if (depth > kMaxTreeDepth)

	if (scope & TreeScope_Element)
		scope = element_proc(parent);

	auto descend = [](TreeScope scope) {
		return (scope & TreeScope_Children) || (scope & TreeScope_Descendants);

	if (descend(scope)) {
		Element* first_element = nullptr;
		tree_walker.GetFirstChildElement(&parent, &first_element);
		ComInterface<Element> element(first_element);

		while (element) {
			scope = element_proc(*element);

			if (descend(scope))
				WalkElements(tree_walker, *element, scope, depth + 1, element_proc);

			Element* next_element = nullptr;
			tree_walker.GetNextSiblingElement(element.get(), &next_element);

static bool FindWebBrowserElements(Element& parent, std::wstring& address,
                                   std::vector<std::wstring>& tabs) {
	TreeWalker* tree_walker_interface = nullptr;
	ComInterface<TreeWalker> tree_walker(tree_walker_interface);

	if (!tree_walker)
		return false;

	auto element_proc = [&](Element& element) -> TreeScope {
		CONTROLTYPEID control_type_id = 0;

		switch (control_type_id) {
				// Are we done?
				if (!address.empty() && !tabs.empty())
					return TreeScope_Element;
				// Otherwise continue descending the tree.
				return TreeScope_Descendants;

			case UIA_DocumentControlTypeId:
			case UIA_MenuBarControlTypeId:
			case UIA_TitleBarControlTypeId:
				// We do not need to walk through these nodes. In fact, skipping
				// documents dramatically improves our performance on worst case
				// scenarios. This is the whole reason we are walking the tree rather
				// than using FindFirst and FindAll methods.
				return TreeScope_Element;

			case UIA_EditControlTypeId:
				// Here we assume that the first edit control that fits our properties
				// is the address bar (e.g. "Omnibox" on Chrome, "Awesome Bar" on
				// Firefox). This element is named differently on each web browser
				// (e.g. "Address and search bar" on Chrome, "Search or enter address"
				// on Firefox). This name can change depending on the browser
				// language. However, we are only interested in the element value,
				// which usually gives us the URL of the current page.
				if (address.empty() && IsAddressBarElement(element)) {
					address = GetElementValue(element);
					return TreeScope_Element;
				} else {
					// Opera has an edit control ("Address field") within another edit
					// control ("Address bar").
					return TreeScope_Descendants;

			case UIA_TabControlTypeId:
				if (tabs.empty() && IsTabsElement(element))
					return TreeScope_Children;
				return TreeScope_Element;

			case UIA_TabItemControlTypeId:
				return TreeScope_Element;

	WalkElements(*tree_walker, parent, TreeScope_Subtree, 0, element_proc);
	return true;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

bool GetWebBrowserInformation(const Window& window, web_browser_proc_t web_browser_proc) {
	if (!web_browser_proc)
		return false;

	if (!InitializeUIAutomation())
		return false;

	ComInterface<Element> parent(GetElementFromHandle(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(;
	if (!parent)
		return false;

	const std::string title = ToUtf8String(GetElementName(*parent));
	web_browser_proc({WebBrowserInformationType::Title, title});

	std::wstring address;
	std::vector<std::wstring> tabs;

	if (!FindWebBrowserElements(*parent, address, tabs))
		return false;

	web_browser_proc({WebBrowserInformationType::Address, ToUtf8String(address)});
	for (const auto& tab : tabs)
		web_browser_proc({WebBrowserInformationType::Tab, ToUtf8String(tab)});

	return true;

}  // namespace animone::internal::win32