view dep/fmt/doc/index.rst @ 355:83e6ba09338f

gui/pages/seasons: fix function disambiguation on win32
author Paper <>
date Sun, 14 Jul 2024 23:46:18 -0400 (8 months ago)
parents 1faa72660932
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**{fmt}** is an open-source formatting library providing a fast and safe
alternative to C stdio and C++ iostreams.

.. raw:: html

   <div class="panel panel-default">
     <div class="panel-heading">What users say:</div>
     <div class="panel-body">
       Thanks for creating this library. It’s been a hole in C++ for
       a long time. I’ve used both <code>boost::format</code> and
       <code>loki::SPrintf</code>, and neither felt like the right answer.
       This does.

.. _format-api-intro:

Format API

The format API is similar in spirit to the C ``printf`` family of function but
is safer, simpler and several times `faster
than common standard library implementations.
The `format string syntax <syntax.html>`_ is similar to the one used by
`str.format <>`_ in

.. code:: c++

  std::string s = fmt::format("The answer is {}.", 42);
The ``fmt::format`` function returns a string "The answer is 42.". You can use
``fmt::memory_buffer`` to avoid constructing ``std::string``:

.. code:: c++

  auto out = fmt::memory_buffer();
            "For a moment, {} happened.", "nothing");
  auto data =; // pointer to the formatted data
  auto size = out.size(); // size of the formatted data

The ``fmt::print`` function performs formatting and writes the result to a stream:

.. code:: c++

  fmt::print(stderr, "System error code = {}\n", errno);

If you omit the file argument the function will print to ``stdout``:

.. code:: c++

  fmt::print("Don't {}\n", "panic");

The format API also supports positional arguments useful for localization:

.. code:: c++

  fmt::print("I'd rather be {1} than {0}.", "right", "happy");

You can pass named arguments with ``fmt::arg``:

.. code:: c++

  fmt::print("Hello, {name}! The answer is {number}. Goodbye, {name}.",
             fmt::arg("name", "World"), fmt::arg("number", 42));

If your compiler supports C++11 user-defined literals, the suffix ``_a`` offers 
an alternative, slightly terser syntax for named arguments:

.. code:: c++

  using namespace fmt::literals;
  fmt::print("Hello, {name}! The answer is {number}. Goodbye, {name}.",
             "name"_a="World", "number"_a=42);

.. _safety:


The library is fully type safe, automatic memory management prevents buffer
overflow, errors in format strings are reported using exceptions or at compile
time. For example, the code

.. code:: c++

  fmt::format("The answer is {:d}", "forty-two");

throws the ``format_error`` exception because the argument ``"forty-two"`` is a
string while the format code ``d`` only applies to integers.

The code

.. code:: c++

  format(FMT_STRING("The answer is {:d}"), "forty-two");

reports a compile-time error on compilers that support relaxed ``constexpr``.
See `here <api.html#compile-time-format-string-checks>`_ for details.

The following code

.. code:: c++

  fmt::format("Cyrillic letter {}", L'\x42e');
produces a compile-time error because wide character ``L'\x42e'`` cannot be
formatted into a narrow string. For comparison, writing a wide character to
``std::ostream`` results in its numeric value being written to the stream
(i.e. 1070 instead of letter 'ю' which is represented by ``L'\x42e'`` if we
use Unicode) which is rarely desirable.

Compact Binary Code

The library produces compact per-call compiled code. For example
(`godbolt <>`_),

.. code:: c++

   #include <fmt/core.h>

   int main() {
     fmt::print("The answer is {}.", 42);

compiles to just

.. code:: asm

   main: # @main
     sub rsp, 24
     mov qword ptr [rsp], 42
     mov rcx, rsp
     mov edi, offset .L.str
     mov esi, 17
     mov edx, 1
     call fmt::v7::vprint(fmt::v7::basic_string_view<char>, fmt::v7::format_args)
     xor eax, eax
     add rsp, 24
     .asciz "The answer is {}."

.. _portability:


The library is highly portable and relies only on a small set of C++11 features:

* variadic templates
* type traits
* rvalue references
* decltype
* trailing return types
* deleted functions
* alias templates

These are available in GCC 4.8, Clang 3.4, MSVC 19.0 (2015) and more recent
compiler version. For older compilers use {fmt} `version 4.x
<>`_ which is maintained and
only requires C++98.

The output of all formatting functions is consistent across platforms.
For example,

.. code::

  fmt::print("{}", std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());

always prints ``inf`` while the output of ``printf`` is platform-dependent.

.. _ease-of-use:

Ease of Use

{fmt} has a small self-contained code base with the core library consisting of
just three header files and no external dependencies.
A permissive MIT `license <>`_ allows
using the library both in open-source and commercial projects.

`Learn more... <contents.html>`_

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  <a class="btn btn-success" href="">GitHub Repository</a>

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            class="github-btn" width="100" height="20"></iframe>