Mercurial > minori
view dep/animia/data/players.anisthesia @ 187:9613d72b097e
*: multiple performance improvements
like marking `static const` when it makes sense...
date: change old stupid heap-based method to a structure which should
make copying the thing actually make a copy.
also many performance-based changes, like removing the std::tie
dependency and forward-declaring nlohmann json
*: replace every instance of QString::fromUtf8 to Strings::ToQString.
the main difference is that our function will always convert exactly
what is in the string, while some other times it would only convert
up to the nearest NUL byte
author | Paper <> |
date | Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:43:54 -0500 |
parents | 54c5d80a737e |
children | 8ccf0302afb1 |
line wrap: on
line source
# This file includes media player data for Anisthesia. It is used to detect # running players and retrieve information about current media. # # Please read before editing this file: # - Indentation is significant. You must use tabs rather than spaces. # - Regular expressions begin with a '^' character. ECMAScript grammar is used. # # The latest version of this file can be found at: # <> # # This file is in the public domain. 5KPlayer windows: Qt5QWindowIcon executables: 5KPlayer strategies: open_files Ace Player HD windows: QWidget executables: ace_player strategies: # Must be enabled from: Advanced Preferences -> Interface -> Main # interfaces -> Qt -> Show playing item name in window title # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^Ace Player HD.*|(.+) - Ace Player HD.*|.+ ALLPlayer windows: TApplication executables: ALLPlayer strategies: open_files Baka MPlayer windows: Qt5QWindowIcon executables: Baka MPlayer strategies: open_files # We cannot avoid detecting other windows such as Preferences dialog, which # has the same generic class name. window_title: ^Baka MPlayer|(.+) BESTplayer windows: TBESTplayerApp.UnicodeClass executables: BESTplayer strategies: open_files window_title: ^BESTplayer.*|(.+) - BESTplayer.* bomi windows: Qt5QWindowGLOwnDCIcon executables: bomi strategies: open_files window_title: ^bomi|(.+) - bomi BS.Player windows: BSPlayer executables: bsplayer strategies: open_files DivX Player windows: Qt5QWindowIcon QWidget executables: DivX Player DivX Plus Player strategies: open_files GOM Player windows: GomPlayer1.x GomPlayerPlus32_2.x GomPlayerPlus64_2.x executables: GOM GOM64 strategies: open_files window_title: ^GOM Player(?: Plus)|(.+)(?:\[Subtitle\]) - GOM Player(?: Plus) Kantaris windows: ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.20008\.app\..+ executables: Kantaris KantarisMain strategies: open_files window_title: ^Kantaris.*|(.+) \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} - \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} KMPlayer windows: KMPlayer 64X TApplication executables: KMPlayer KMPlayer64 strategies: open_files window_title: ^(?:The )?KMPlayer|(?:\[\d+/\d+\] )?(.+) - (?:The )?KMPlayer|(.+) Kodi windows: Kodi XBMC executables: kodi XBMC strategies: open_files Light Alloy windows: TApplication executables: LA strategies: open_files window_title: ^Light Alloy.*|(.+) - Light Alloy.* Media Player Classic windows: MediaPlayerClassicW executables: mplayerc mplayerc64 strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar window_title: ^Media Player Classic|(.+) - Media Player Classic Media Player Classic Qute Theater windows: ^Qt.+QWindowIcon executables: mpc-qt strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Options dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^Media Player Classic Qute Theater|Media Player Classic Qute Theater - (.+)|.+ Memento windows: ^Qt.+QWindowIcon executables: memento strategies: open_files window_title: ^Memento|(.+) - Memento Miro windows: gdkWindowToplevel executables: Miro strategies: open_files MPC-BE windows: MediaPlayerClassicW MPC-BE executables: mpc-be mpc-be64 strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar window_title: ^MPC-BE.*|(.+) - MPC-BE.* MPC-HC windows: MediaPlayerClassicW executables: mpc-hc mpc-hc64 # Some codec installers append "_nvo" to the filename, if NVIDIA Optimus # is present on the system. Similarly, various guides recommend # appending "-gpu", etc. in order to fix some GPU-related issues. ^mpc-hc.+ # LAV Filters Megamix iris shoukaku strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Title bar window_title: ^Media Player Classic Home Cinema|MPC-HC|(.+) MPCSTAR windows: ^wxWindow@.* wxWindowClassNR executables: mpcstar strategies: open_files window_title: ^MPCSTAR.*|(.+) - MPCSTAR.* MPDN windows: ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.8\.app\..+ executables: MediaPlayerDotNet strategies: open_files window_title: ^MPDN - Media Player .NET \((?:32|64)-bit Edition\)|(.*) - MPDN \((?:32|64)-bit Edition\) mpv windows: mpv executables: mpv strategies: open_files # May be in an unexpected format if "--title" option is used. Ideally, it # should return only "${filename}", "${path}" or "${media-title}". window_title: ^No file - mpv|(.+) - mpv|mpv - (.+) windows: ^WindowsForms10\.Window\.8\.app\..+ executables: mpvnet strategies: open_files window_title: ^mpv\.net.*|(.+) - mpv\.net.* MV2Player windows: TApplication executables: Mv2Player Mv2PlayerPlus strategies: open_files # Depends on: Options -> Player -> Constant app. title window_title: ^MV2 Player|(.+) PotPlayer windows: PotPlayer PotPlayer64 executables: PotPlayer PotPlayer64 PotPlayerMini PotPlayerMini64 # LAV Filters Megamix sumire zuikaku strategies: open_files window_title: ^PotPlayer|(.+) - PotPlayer SMPlayer windows: # Qt5QWindowIcon, Qt5152QWindowIcon, etc. ^Qt.+QWindowIcon # Older versions QWidget executables: smplayer smplayer2 strategies: # "open_files" strategy does not work here, because files are loaded by # a child process of SMPlayer (mplayer or mpv, depending on the selected # multimedia engine). # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^SMPlayer|(.+) - SMPlayer|.+ Splash windows: DX_DISPLAY0 executables: Splash SplashLite strategies: open_files SPlayer windows: MediaPlayerClassicW executables: splayer strategies: open_files # Does not work in theater mode. window_title: ^SPlayer|(?:\[(?:GPU Accel\+)?EVR\] )?(.+) - SPlayer UMPlayer windows: QWidget executables: umplayer strategies: # "open_files" strategy does not work here, because files are loaded by # a child process of UMPlayer (mplayer). # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^UMPlayer|(.+) - UMPlayer|.+ VLC media player windows: # Qt5QWindowIcon, Qt5151QWindowIcon, etc. ^Qt.+QWindowIcon # Older versions QWidget # Skinnable interface SkinWindowClass # X11 vlc executables: vlc strategies: open_files # Must be enabled from: Advanced Preferences -> Interface -> Main # interfaces -> Qt -> Show playing item name in window title # # We use the last alternative to avoid detecting other windows such as # Preferences dialog, which has the same generic class name. window_title: ^VLC media player|(.+) - VLC media player|.+ WebTorrent Desktop windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: WebTorrent strategies: window_title: ^WebTorrent(?: \(BETA\))?|Main Window|Preferences|About WebTorrent.*|(.+) Winamp windows: Winamp v1.x executables: winamp strategies: open_files window_title: ^Winamp [\d.]+ Build \d+|\d+\. (.+) - Winamp(?: \[.+\])? Windows Media Player windows: WMPlayerApp WMP Skin Host executables: wmplayer strategies: open_files Zoom Player windows: TApplication executables: zplayer strategies: open_files window_title: ^Zoom Player|(.+) - Zoom Player (?:FREE|MAX) ################################################################################ # Web browsers Brave Browser windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: brave strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) \(Private\)(?: - Brave)?|(.+) - Brave|(.+) type: web_browser Google Chrome windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: chrome strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) \(Incognito\)(?: - Google Chrome)?|(.+) - Google Chrome|(.+) type: web_browser Internet Explorer windows: IEFrame executables: iexplore strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) - Internet Explorer(?: - \[InPrivate\])? type: web_browser Microsoft Edge windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: msedge strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) and \d+ more pages? - .+|(.+) - [^-]+ - Microsoft.*Edge|(.+) type: web_browser Mozilla Firefox windows: MozillaUIWindowClass MozillaWindowClass executables: firefox strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(?:Mozilla Firefox|Firefox Developer Edition)|(.+) (?:-|—) (?:Mozilla Firefox|Firefox Developer Edition)(?: \(Private Browsing\))? type: web_browser Opera windows: Chrome_WidgetWin_1 executables: opera strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) - Opera(?: \(Private\))? type: web_browser Waterfox windows: MozillaWindowClass executables: waterfox strategies: ui_automation window_title: ^(.+) - Waterfox(?: \(Private Browsing\))? type: web_browser