Mercurial > minori
view dep/pugixml/scripts/pugixml_codeblocks.cbp @ 179:9c4645100fec
osx: clean up includes, we do not need cocoa
what we *do* need is the very basics that animia already depends on anyway.
these are basically guaranteed to be on any macos system, making it fairly portable
now... I haven't tested this :) I don't have a macos machine right now...
author | Paper <> |
date | Mon, 04 Dec 2023 12:03:36 -0500 |
parents | d10b6c6b432e |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <CodeBlocks_project_file> <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" /> <Project> <Option title="pugixml" /> <Option pch_mode="2" /> <Option compiler="gcc" /> <Build> <Target title="Debug"> <Option output="codeblocks/libpugixmld.a" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" /> <Option object_output="codeblocks/Debug" /> <Option type="2" /> <Option compiler="gcc" /> <Compiler> <Add option="-g" /> <Add option="-D_DEBUG" /> </Compiler> <Linker> </Linker> </Target> <Target title="Release"> <Option output="codeblocks/libpugixml.a" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" /> <Option object_output="codeblocks/Release" /> <Option type="2" /> <Option compiler="gcc" /> <Compiler> <Add option="-g" /> <Add option="-O2" /> <Add option="-DNDEBUG" /> </Compiler> <Linker> </Linker> </Target> </Build> <Unit filename="../src/pugixml.hpp"> </Unit> <Unit filename="../src/pugiconfig.hpp"> </Unit> <Unit filename="../src/pugixml.cpp"> </Unit> <Extensions /> </Project> </CodeBlocks_project_file>