view dep/toml11/toml/source_location.hpp @ 327:b5d6c27c308f

anime: refactor Anime::SeriesSeason to Season class ToLocalString has also been altered to take in both season and year because lots of locales actually treat formatting seasons differently! most notably is Russian which adds a suffix at the end to notate seasons(??)
author Paper <>
date Thu, 13 Jun 2024 01:49:18 -0400
parents 3b355fa948c7
line wrap: on
line source

//     Copyright Toru Niina 2019.
// Distributed under the MIT License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <sstream>

#include "region.hpp"

namespace toml

// A struct to contain location in a toml file.
// The interface imitates std::experimental::source_location,
// but not completely the same.
// It would be constructed by toml::value. It can be used to generate
// user-defined error messages.
// - std::uint_least32_t line() const noexcept
//   - returns the line number where the region is on.
// - std::uint_least32_t column() const noexcept
//   - returns the column number where the region starts.
// - std::uint_least32_t region() const noexcept
//   - returns the size of the region.
// +-- line()       +-- region of interest (region() == 9)
// v            .---+---.
// 12 | value = "foo bar"
//              ^
//              +-- column()
// - std::string const& file_name() const noexcept;
//   - name of the file.
// - std::string const& line_str() const noexcept;
//   - the whole line that contains the region of interest.
struct source_location

        : line_num_(1), column_num_(1), region_size_(1),
          file_name_("unknown file"), line_str_("")

    explicit source_location(const detail::region_base* reg)
        : line_num_(1), column_num_(1), region_size_(1),
          file_name_("unknown file"), line_str_("")
            if(reg->line_num() != detail::region_base().line_num())
                line_num_ = static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(
            column_num_  = static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(reg->before() + 1);
            region_size_ = static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(reg->size());
            file_name_   = reg->name();
            line_str_    = reg->line();

    explicit source_location(const detail::region& reg)
        : line_num_(static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(std::stoul(reg.line_num()))),
          column_num_(static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(reg.before() + 1)),
          line_str_ (reg.line())
    explicit source_location(const detail::location& loc)
        : line_num_(static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(std::stoul(loc.line_num()))),
          column_num_(static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(loc.before() + 1)),
          line_str_ (loc.line())

    ~source_location() = default;
    source_location(source_location const&) = default;
    source_location(source_location &&)     = default;
    source_location& operator=(source_location const&) = default;
    source_location& operator=(source_location &&)     = default;

    std::uint_least32_t line()      const noexcept {return line_num_;}
    std::uint_least32_t column()    const noexcept {return column_num_;}
    std::uint_least32_t region()    const noexcept {return region_size_;}

    std::string const&  file_name() const noexcept {return file_name_;}
    std::string const&  line_str()  const noexcept {return line_str_;}


    std::uint_least32_t line_num_;
    std::uint_least32_t column_num_;
    std::uint_least32_t region_size_;
    std::string         file_name_;
    std::string         line_str_;

namespace detail

// internal error message generation.
inline std::string format_underline(const std::string& message,
        const std::vector<std::pair<source_location, std::string>>& loc_com,
        const std::vector<std::string>& helps = {},
        const bool colorize = TOML11_ERROR_MESSAGE_COLORIZED)
    std::size_t line_num_width = 0;
    for(const auto& lc : loc_com)
        std::uint_least32_t line = lc.first.line();
        std::size_t        digit = 0;
        while(line != 0)
            line  /= 10;
            digit +=  1;
        line_num_width = (std::max)(line_num_width, digit);
    // 1 is the minimum width
    line_num_width = std::max<std::size_t>(line_num_width, 1);

    std::ostringstream retval;

    if(color::should_color() || colorize)
        retval << color::colorize; // turn on ANSI color

    // XXX
    // Here, before `colorize` support, it does not output `[error]` prefix
    // automatically. So some user may output it manually and this change may
    // duplicate the prefix. To avoid it, check the first 7 characters and
    // if it is "[error]", it removes that part from the message shown.
    if(message.size() > 7 && message.substr(0, 7) == "[error]")
               << color::bold << color::red << "[error]" << color::reset
               << color::bold << message.substr(7) << color::reset << '\n';
               << color::bold << color::red << "[error] " << color::reset
               << color::bold << message << color::reset << '\n';

    const auto format_one_location = [line_num_width]
        (std::ostringstream& oss,
         const source_location& loc, const std::string& comment) -> void
            oss << ' ' << color::bold << color::blue
                << std::setw(static_cast<int>(line_num_width))
                << std::right << loc.line() << " | "  << color::reset
                << loc.line_str() << '\n';

            oss << make_string(line_num_width + 1, ' ')
                << color::bold << color::blue << " | " << color::reset
                << make_string(loc.column()-1 /*1-origin*/, ' ');

            if(loc.region() == 1)
                // invalid
                // ^------
                oss << color::bold << color::red << "^---" << color::reset;
                // invalid
                // ~~~~~~~
                const auto underline_len = (std::min)(
                    static_cast<std::size_t>(loc.region()), loc.line_str().size());
                oss << color::bold << color::red
                    << make_string(underline_len, '~') << color::reset;
            oss << ' ';
            oss << comment;


    // --> example.toml
    //   |
    retval << color::bold << color::blue << " --> " << color::reset
           << loc_com.front().first.file_name() << '\n';
    retval << make_string(line_num_width + 1, ' ')
           << color::bold << color::blue << " |\n"  << color::reset;
    // 1 | key value
    //   |    ^--- missing =
    format_one_location(retval, loc_com.front().first, loc_com.front().second);

    // process the rest of the locations
    for(std::size_t i=1; i<loc_com.size(); ++i)
        const auto& prev =;
        const auto& curr =;

        retval << '\n';
        // if the filenames are the same, print "..."
        if(prev.first.file_name() == curr.first.file_name())
            retval << color::bold << color::blue << " ...\n" << color::reset;
        else // if filename differs, print " --> filename.toml" again
            retval << color::bold << color::blue << " --> " << color::reset
                   << curr.first.file_name() << '\n';
            retval << make_string(line_num_width + 1, ' ')
                   << color::bold << color::blue << " |\n"  << color::reset;

        format_one_location(retval, curr.first, curr.second);

        retval << '\n';
        retval << make_string(line_num_width + 1, ' ');
        retval << color::bold << color::blue << " |" << color::reset;
        for(const auto& help : helps)
            retval << color::bold << "\nHint: " << color::reset;
            retval << help;
    return retval.str();

} // detail
} // toml