view dep/anitomy/anitomy/parser_number.cpp @ 155:d2bbb5773616

dep/animia: add quartz backend for windows
author Paper <>
date Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:24:39 -0500
parents 5c0397762b53
children a0aa8c8c4307
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Eren Okka
** This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
** License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
** file, You can obtain one at

#include <algorithm>
#include <regex>

#include "element.h"
#include "keyword.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "string.h"

namespace anitomy {

bool Parser::IsValidEpisodeNumber(const string_t& number) {
	return StringToInt(number) <= kEpisodeNumberMax;

bool Parser::SetEpisodeNumber(const string_t& number, Token& token, bool validate) {
	if (validate && !IsValidEpisodeNumber(number))
		return false;

	token.category = kIdentifier;

	auto category = kElementEpisodeNumber;

	// Handle equivalent numbers
	if (found_episode_keywords_) {
		for (auto& element : elements_) {
			if (element.first != kElementEpisodeNumber)
			// The larger number gets to be the alternative one
			const int comparison = StringToInt(number) - StringToInt(element.second);
			if (comparison > 0) {
				category = kElementEpisodeNumberAlt;
			} else if (comparison < 0) {
				element.first = kElementEpisodeNumberAlt;
			} else {
				return false; // No need to add the same number twice

	elements_.insert(category, number);
	return true;

bool Parser::SetAlternativeEpisodeNumber(const string_t& number, Token& token) {
	elements_.insert(kElementEpisodeNumberAlt, number);
	token.category = kIdentifier;

	return true;


bool Parser::IsValidVolumeNumber(const string_t& number) {
	return StringToInt(number) <= kVolumeNumberMax;

bool Parser::SetVolumeNumber(const string_t& number, Token& token, bool validate) {
	if (validate)
		if (!IsValidVolumeNumber(number))
			return false;

	elements_.insert(kElementVolumeNumber, number);
	token.category = kIdentifier;
	return true;


bool Parser::NumberComesAfterPrefix(ElementCategory category, Token& token) {
	size_t number_begin = FindNumberInString(token.content);
	auto prefix = keyword_manager.Normalize(token.content.substr(0, number_begin));

	if (keyword_manager.Find(category, prefix)) {
		auto number = token.content.substr(number_begin, token.content.length() - number_begin);
		switch (category) {
			case kElementEpisodePrefix:
				if (!MatchEpisodePatterns(number, token))
					SetEpisodeNumber(number, token, false);
				return true;
			case kElementVolumePrefix:
				if (!MatchVolumePatterns(number, token))
					SetVolumeNumber(number, token, false);
				return true;
			default: break;

	return false;

bool Parser::NumberComesBeforeAnotherNumber(const token_iterator_t token) {
	auto separator_token = FindNextToken(tokens_, token, kFlagNotDelimiter);

	if (separator_token != tokens_.end()) {
		static const std::vector<std::pair<string_t, bool>> separators{
			{L"&",  true },
			{L"of", false},
		for (const auto& separator : separators) {
			if (IsStringEqualTo(separator_token->content, separator.first)) {
				auto other_token = FindNextToken(tokens_, separator_token, kFlagNotDelimiter);
				if (other_token != tokens_.end() && IsNumericString(other_token->content)) {
					SetEpisodeNumber(token->content, *token, false);
					if (separator.second)
						SetEpisodeNumber(other_token->content, *other_token, false);
					separator_token->category = kIdentifier;
					other_token->category = kIdentifier;
					return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::SearchForEpisodePatterns(std::vector<size_t>& tokens) {
	for (const auto& token_index : tokens) {
		auto token = tokens_.begin() + token_index;
		bool numeric_front = IsNumericChar(token->content.front());

		if (!numeric_front) {
			// e.g. "EP.1", "Vol.1"
			if (NumberComesAfterPrefix(kElementEpisodePrefix, *token))
				return true;
			if (NumberComesAfterPrefix(kElementVolumePrefix, *token))
		} else {
			// e.g. "8 & 10", "01 of 24"
			if (NumberComesBeforeAnotherNumber(token))
				return true;
		// Look for other patterns
		if (MatchEpisodePatterns(token->content, *token))
			return true;

	return false;


using regex_t = std::basic_regex<char_t>;
using regex_match_results_t = std::match_results<string_t::const_iterator>;

bool Parser::MatchSingleEpisodePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	static const regex_t pattern(L"(\\d{1,4})[vV](\\d)");
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		SetEpisodeNumber(match_results[1].str(), token, false);
		elements_.insert(kElementReleaseVersion, match_results[2].str());
		return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchMultiEpisodePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	static const regex_t pattern(L"(\\d{1,4})(?:[vV](\\d))?[-~&+]"
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		auto lower_bound = match_results[1].str();
		auto upper_bound = match_results[3].str();
		// Avoid matching expressions such as "009-1" or "5-2"
		if (StringToInt(lower_bound) < StringToInt(upper_bound)) {
			if (SetEpisodeNumber(lower_bound, token, true)) {
				SetEpisodeNumber(upper_bound, token, false);
				if (match_results[2].matched)
					elements_.insert(kElementReleaseVersion, match_results[2].str());
				if (match_results[4].matched)
					elements_.insert(kElementReleaseVersion, match_results[4].str());
				return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchSeasonAndEpisodePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	static const regex_t pattern(L"S?"
								 L"(?:x|[ ._-x]?E)"
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		if (StringToInt(match_results[1]) == 0)
			return false;
		elements_.insert(kElementAnimeSeason, match_results[1]);
		if (match_results[2].matched)
			elements_.insert(kElementAnimeSeason, match_results[2]);
		SetEpisodeNumber(match_results[3], token, false);
		if (match_results[4].matched)
			SetEpisodeNumber(match_results[4], token, false);
		return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchTypeAndEpisodePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	size_t number_begin = FindNumberInString(word);
	auto prefix = word.substr(0, number_begin);

	ElementCategory category = kElementAnimeType;
	KeywordOptions options;

	if (keyword_manager.Find(keyword_manager.Normalize(prefix), category, options)) {
		elements_.insert(kElementAnimeType, prefix);
		auto number = word.substr(number_begin);
		if (MatchEpisodePatterns(number, token) || SetEpisodeNumber(number, token, true)) {
			auto it = std::find(tokens_.begin(), tokens_.end(), token);
			if (it != tokens_.end()) {
				// Split token (we do this last in order to avoid invalidating our
				// token reference earlier)
				token.content = number;
				tokens_.insert(it, Token(options.identifiable ? kIdentifier : kUnknown, prefix, token.enclosed));
			return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchFractionalEpisodePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	// We don't allow any fractional part other than ".5", because there are cases
	// where such a number is a part of the anime title (e.g. "Evangelion: 1.11",
	// "Tokyo Magnitude 8.0") or a keyword (e.g. "5.1").
	static const regex_t pattern(L"\\d+\\.5");

	if (std::regex_match(word, pattern))
		if (SetEpisodeNumber(word, token, true))
			return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchPartialEpisodePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	auto it = std::find_if_not(word.begin(), word.end(), IsNumericChar);
	auto suffix_length = std::distance(it, word.end());

	auto is_valid_suffix = [](const char_t c) { return (c >= L'A' && c <= L'C') || (c >= L'a' && c <= L'c'); };

	if (suffix_length == 1 && is_valid_suffix(*it))
		if (SetEpisodeNumber(word, token, true))
			return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchNumberSignPattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	if (word.front() != L'#')
		return false;

	static const regex_t pattern(L"#(\\d{1,4})(?:[-~&+](\\d{1,4}))?(?:[vV](\\d))?");
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		if (SetEpisodeNumber(match_results[1].str(), token, true)) {
			if (match_results[2].matched)
				SetEpisodeNumber(match_results[2].str(), token, false);
			if (match_results[3].matched)
				elements_.insert(kElementReleaseVersion, match_results[3].str());
			return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchJapaneseCounterPattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	if (word.back() != L'\u8A71')
		return false;

	static const regex_t pattern(L"(\\d{1,4})\u8A71");
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		SetEpisodeNumber(match_results[1].str(), token, false);
		return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchEpisodePatterns(string_t word, Token& token) {
	// All patterns contain at least one non-numeric character
	if (IsNumericString(word))
		return false;

	TrimString(word, L" -");

	const bool numeric_front = IsNumericChar(word.front());
	const bool numeric_back = IsNumericChar(word.back());

	// e.g. "01v2"
	if (numeric_front && numeric_back)
		if (MatchSingleEpisodePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "01-02", "03-05v2"
	if (numeric_front && numeric_back)
		if (MatchMultiEpisodePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "2x01", "S01E03", "S01-02xE001-150"
	if (numeric_back)
		if (MatchSeasonAndEpisodePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "ED1", "OP4a", "OVA2"
	if (!numeric_front)
		if (MatchTypeAndEpisodePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "07.5"
	if (numeric_front && numeric_back)
		if (MatchFractionalEpisodePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "4a", "111C"
	if (numeric_front && !numeric_back)
		if (MatchPartialEpisodePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "#01", "#02-03v2"
	if (numeric_back)
		if (MatchNumberSignPattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// U+8A71 is used as counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.
	if (numeric_front)
		if (MatchJapaneseCounterPattern(word, token))
			return true;

	return false;


bool Parser::MatchSingleVolumePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	static const regex_t pattern(L"(\\d{1,2})[vV](\\d)");
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		SetVolumeNumber(match_results[1].str(), token, false);
		elements_.insert(kElementReleaseVersion, match_results[2].str());
		return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchMultiVolumePattern(const string_t& word, Token& token) {
	static const regex_t pattern(L"(\\d{1,2})[-~&+](\\d{1,2})(?:[vV](\\d))?");
	regex_match_results_t match_results;

	if (std::regex_match(word, match_results, pattern)) {
		auto lower_bound = match_results[1].str();
		auto upper_bound = match_results[2].str();
		if (StringToInt(lower_bound) < StringToInt(upper_bound)) {
			if (SetVolumeNumber(lower_bound, token, true)) {
				SetVolumeNumber(upper_bound, token, false);
				if (match_results[3].matched)
					elements_.insert(kElementReleaseVersion, match_results[3].str());
				return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::MatchVolumePatterns(string_t word, Token& token) {
	// All patterns contain at least one non-numeric character
	if (IsNumericString(word))
		return false;

	TrimString(word, L" -");

	const bool numeric_front = IsNumericChar(word.front());
	const bool numeric_back = IsNumericChar(word.back());

	// e.g. "01v2"
	if (numeric_front && numeric_back)
		if (MatchSingleVolumePattern(word, token))
			return true;
	// e.g. "01-02", "03-05v2"
	if (numeric_front && numeric_back)
		if (MatchMultiVolumePattern(word, token))
			return true;

	return false;


bool Parser::SearchForEquivalentNumbers(std::vector<size_t>& tokens) {
	for (auto token_index = tokens.begin(); token_index != tokens.end(); ++token_index) {
		auto token = tokens_.begin() + *token_index;

		if (IsTokenIsolated(token) || !IsValidEpisodeNumber(token->content))

		// Find the first enclosed, non-delimiter token
		auto next_token = FindNextToken(tokens_, token, kFlagNotDelimiter);
		if (!CheckTokenCategory(next_token, kBracket))
		next_token = FindNextToken(tokens_, next_token, kFlagEnclosed | kFlagNotDelimiter);
		if (!CheckTokenCategory(next_token, kUnknown))

		// Check if it's an isolated number
		if (!IsTokenIsolated(next_token) || !IsNumericString(next_token->content) ||

		auto minmax = std::minmax(token, next_token, [](const token_iterator_t& a, const token_iterator_t& b) {
			return StringToInt(a->content) < StringToInt(b->content);
		SetEpisodeNumber(minmax.first->content, *minmax.first, false);
		SetAlternativeEpisodeNumber(minmax.second->content, *minmax.second);

		return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::SearchForIsolatedNumbers(std::vector<size_t>& tokens) {
	for (auto token_index = tokens.begin(); token_index != tokens.end(); ++token_index) {
		auto token = tokens_.begin() + *token_index;

		if (!token->enclosed || !IsTokenIsolated(token))

		if (SetEpisodeNumber(token->content, *token, true))
			return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::SearchForSeparatedNumbers(std::vector<size_t>& tokens) {
	for (auto token_index = tokens.begin(); token_index != tokens.end(); ++token_index) {
		auto token = tokens_.begin() + *token_index;
		auto previous_token = FindPreviousToken(tokens_, token, kFlagNotDelimiter);

		// See if the number has a preceding "-" separator
		if (CheckTokenCategory(previous_token, kUnknown) && IsDashCharacter(previous_token->content)) {
			if (SetEpisodeNumber(token->content, *token, true)) {
				previous_token->category = kIdentifier;
				return true;

	return false;

bool Parser::SearchForLastNumber(std::vector<size_t>& tokens) {
	for (auto it = tokens.rbegin(); it != tokens.rend(); ++it) {
		size_t token_index = *it;
		auto token = tokens_.begin() + token_index;

		// Assuming that episode number always comes after the title, first token
		// cannot be what we're looking for
		if (token_index == 0)

		// An enclosed token is unlikely to be the episode number at this point
		if (token->enclosed)

		// Ignore if it's the first non-enclosed, non-delimiter token
		if (std::all_of(tokens_.begin(), token,
						[](const Token& token) { return token.enclosed || token.category == kDelimiter; }))

		// Ignore if the previous token is "Movie" or "Part"
		auto previous_token = FindPreviousToken(tokens_, token, kFlagNotDelimiter);
		if (CheckTokenCategory(previous_token, kUnknown)) {
			if (IsStringEqualTo(previous_token->content, L"Movie") ||
				IsStringEqualTo(previous_token->content, L"Part")) {

		// We'll use this number after all
		if (SetEpisodeNumber(token->content, *token, true))
			return true;

	return false;

} // namespace anitomy