Mercurial > minori
*: merge14 months ago, by Paper
cmake: remove cmake14 months ago, by Paper
autotools/windres: use AC_PROG_SED for sed14 months ago, by Paper
CI: add experimental windows build14 months ago, by Paper
hgignore: don't ignore .app files14 months ago, by Paper
scripts: convert to use posix shell14 months ago, by Paper
autotools: add `-mwindows` and windows deploy script14 months ago, by Paper
autotools: make windows build work14 months ago, by Paper
*: reorganize resources, +docs, build translations with autotools14 months ago, by Paper
m4: use different method for CXXFLAGS14 months ago, by Paper
configure: check pkg-config for qt14 months ago, by Paper
CI/linux: install glib14 months ago, by Paper
*: make OS X builds succeed14 months ago, by Paper
HUGE UPDATE: convert build system to autotools14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: x11: finalize xcb conversion14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: convert xlib code to xcb14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: fix proc readlink14 months ago, by Paper
theme: add OS detection with glib14 months ago, by Paper
chore: merge divergent branches14 months ago, by Paper
torrents: implement download button14 months ago, by Paper
theme: force Fusion style on platforms other than Win32 or OS X14 months ago, by Paper
config: remove unused username parameter from anilist auth14 months ago, by Paper
library: do explicit conversion from fs::path to std::string14 months ago, by Paper
settings: add library page14 months ago, by Paper
chore: update translations14 months ago, by Paper
about: don't abuse QCoreApplication:tr14 months ago, by Paper
library: implement menu bar buttons14 months ago, by Paper
*: move to semver, remove old macos build, add library files14 months ago, by Paper
library: add initial library stuff14 months ago, by Paper
core/json: fix from_json14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: wayland: fixup wlroots code14 months ago, by Paper
strings: include cstdint14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: add missing wayland files14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: win/wayland: add UNTESTED support for wlroots protocols14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: fd/proc: use std::filesystem, etc. changes14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: win/x11: simplify getting strings14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: win/x11: find toplevels WAY faster14 months ago, by Paper
chore: merge branches14 months ago, by Paper
strings: use templates for ToInt, std::to_string -> Strings::ToUtf8String14 months ago, by Paper
CI/macos: xz -> xz-utils14 months ago, by Paper
CI/macos: add osxcross dependencies14 months ago, by Paper
CI/macos: download macosx 10.9 sdk14 months ago, by Paper
CI/macos: initial macos CI, CI/windows: fix 64-bit build?14 months ago, by Paper
CI/windows: fix wine32 warnings, use separate wine prefixes14 months ago, by Paper
CI/windows: don't have clashing build directories14 months ago, by Paper
CI/windows: fix typos in path names14 months ago, by Paper
ci: combine windows build scripts14 months ago, by Paper
animia: re-add kvm fd source14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: finish kvm backend16 months ago, by paper
ci/linux: grab wayland headers to bundle in the AppImage14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: initial Wayland support, drop non-working kvm fd plugin14 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: switch from using classes to global functions15 months ago, by Paper
*: misc. patches15 months ago, by Paper
date: use std::optional for values15 months ago, by Paper
locale: only attempt loading locales after QApplication is init'd15 months ago, by Paper
sys/osx: remove all objective-c++ stuff15 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: cmake: check for the objc runtime library15 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia/quartz: GetWindowBundleIdentifier -> GetProcessBundleIdentifier15 months ago, by Paper
animia: multiple stylistic choices15 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: finalize de-objc-ifying quartz15 months ago, by Paper
*: etc. code cleanup15 months ago, by Paper
time: static assert time_t15 months ago, by Paper
*: multiple performance improvements15 months ago, by Paper
anime: no unnecessary conversion to floating point15 months ago, by Paper
anime list: add support for different score formats15 months ago, by Paper
anime: etc. comments and changes15 months ago, by Paper
pages/ parse feed descriptions separately15 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: various stylistic changes15 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia/fd/proc: use constexpr std::string_view for proc location15 months ago, by Paper
deps/animia/fd/proc: patch for new filename getter15 months ago, by Paper
osx: clean up includes, we do not need cocoa15 months ago, by Paper
win32/dark: use existing STL classes for dwmapi15 months ago, by Paper
anime/db: upgrade to c++17 style, make things easier to read15 months ago, by Paper
anime/db: finalize anime db cache15 months ago, by Paper
dep/json: update to v3.11.315 months ago, by Paper
anime/db: add some more json functionality, still doesn't compile :/15 months ago, by Paper
WILL NOT COMPILE: sample export ability for anime db15 months ago, by Paper
graph, statistics: make my code a little less messy15 months ago, by Paper
graph: improve? drawing the text15 months ago, by Paper
window: make threading somewhat sane16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: add libkvm method (UNTESTED)16 months ago, by Paper
window: improve performance when getting running files16 months ago, by paper
dep/animia: make x11 window walking actually work16 months ago, by paper
dep/animia: add libutil method16 months ago, by paper
dep/animia/osx: that's not how std::string works16 months ago, by Paper
fd/linux: avoid reading buffers multiple times16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia/osx: move GetProcessName to util/osx so we can use it in quartz16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: add os x launchservices method16 months ago, by Paper
junk: clunky merge commit16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: fd/xnu: use path args to get executable filename16 months ago, by Paper
builds/linux: install xorg dev headers and pkg-config16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: fix most X11 stuff16 months ago, by Paper
x11: make it work16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: add VERY early x11 window stuff16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: add quartz backend for windows16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: fix XnuFdTools16 months ago, by Paper
*: make win stuff actually work, rename to xnu.cc16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: awesome new breaking changes!16 months ago, by Paper
last commit part 2: struct init with {} is valid syntax, actually16 months ago, by Paper
*: avoid usage of std::[pair,tuple]16 months ago, by Paper
players: filter out web browsers, they aren't even supported in animia yet16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: use std::pair instead of std::tuple16 months ago, by Paper
track: use a bit of a more sane way to manage recognition16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: move fd stuff to a new, don't force the user16 months ago, by Paper
linux: fix stupid bug caused by... me?16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: fix many bugs in the linux code16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: don't forget to include this stuff16 months ago, by Paper
*: add missing STL includes16 months ago, by Paper
linux: stop the preprocessor from mangling our definitions16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: remove superfluous includes16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: separate lots of things, use base class for OS stuff16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: huge refactor (again...)16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: [WIP] huge refactor16 months ago, by Paper
ini: fix bool getters to provide default vals for bools and ints16 months ago, by Paper
filesystem: move to using std::filesystem after C++17 switch16 months ago, by Paper
settings/recognition: implement real media player stuff16 months ago, by Paper
builds: fix win32 build16 months ago, by Paper
builds/linux: add missing `file` dependency16 months ago, by Paper
builds/win32: install wine3216 months ago, by Paper
builds/linux: fix path for libpugixml.so16 months ago, by Paper
builds/linux: appimage requires FUSE16 months ago, by Paper
cmake: set CXX_STANDARD to 1716 months ago, by Paper
builds: qttools5-dev-tools -> qttools5-dev16 months ago, by Paper
builds: xz -> xz-utils, ncurses -> ncurses-bin16 months ago, by Paper
builds: use debian instead of alpine16 months ago, by Paper
linux: add material for creating appimages, upload artifacts after CI build16 months ago, by Paper
deps/pugixml: update to v1.14.016 months ago, by Paper
strings: convert ToInt() to be a template16 months ago, by Paper
ini: remove unused file16 months ago, by Paper
config: template-ify INI16 months ago, by Paper
settings: add a very early recognition tab for configuring players and extensions16 months ago, by Paper
*: another huge megacommit, SORRY16 months ago, by Paper
pages/torrents: work around conversion error on Linux16 months ago, by Paper
settings: add torrents page, make rss feed configurable16 months ago, by Paper
window: patch for Qt 516 months ago, by Paper
*: add initial torrent stuff16 months ago, by Paper
window: remove tiny little debug thing16 months ago, by Paper
locale: allow switching locales without restarting16 months ago, by Paper
builds: add missing qt-tools dependency16 months ago, by Paper
cmake: fix what I tried to do in the last commit16 months ago, by Paper
*: add translation files and locale files16 months ago, by Paper
*: huge commit16 months ago, by Paper
themes/dark: make QMenuBar and QMenu look better16 months ago, by Paper
*: #if -> #ifdef, remove outdated comments in sys/win32/dark_theme.cc16 months ago, by Paper
theme: add dark stylesheet, make it actually usable16 months ago, by Paper
about: switch to using HTML16 months ago, by Paper
resources: add icons16 months ago, by Paper
*: big patch16 months ago, by Paper
*: multitude of config changes16 months ago, by Paper
track/constants: add many more video formats16 months ago, by Paper
strings: clarify on some functions and make some of them miniscule16 months ago, by Paper
strings: parse HTML entities when reading synopsis, make the16 months ago, by Paper
animia/unix: fix a bunch of stuff that breaks OS X things16 months ago, by Paper
statistics: forward declare Graph16 months ago, by Paper
include: set classes as final where appropriate16 months ago, by Paper
*: etc changes to graph stuff16 months ago, by Paper
statistics: add graph!16 months ago, by Paper
pages/now_playing: fix invalid catch16 months ago, by Paper
*: oops16 months ago, by Paper
config: improve handling of vars16 months ago, by Paper
dialog/info: make some stuff more sane16 months ago, by Paper
dialog/ fix QGridLayout :)16 months ago, by Paper
information: use QGridLayout please...16 months ago, by Paper
*: various macos fixes16 months ago, by Paper
*: cleanup includes16 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: update from upstream17 months ago, by Paper
*: huuuge update17 months ago, by Paper
*: fix old stuff, make video players and extensions constants17 months ago, by Paper
boring: mass rename to cc17 months ago, by Paper
[UNFINISHED]: stuff17 months ago, by Paper
*: what did I do again?17 months ago, by Paper
dep/animia: update to upstream17 months ago, by Paper
*: update17 months ago, by Paper
*: format source code17 months ago, by Paper
*: refactor some stuff17 months ago, by Paper
fix regressions on macOS17 months ago, by Paper
...: merge heads17 months ago, by Paper
dep/anitomy: add CXX_STANDARD to CMakeLists.txt17 months ago, by Paper
sidebar: fix regression caused by SetBackgroundColor()17 months ago, by Paper
services/anilist: remove unordered_map usage for enum classes17 months ago, by Paper
*: fix up some stuff17 months ago, by Paper
*: normalize usage of layouts17 months ago, by Paper
poster: make posters link to AniList17 months ago, by Paper
posters: add poster widget...17 months ago, by Paper
*: avoid usage of (to|from)StdString17 months ago, by Paper
*: update17 months ago, by Paper
*: fix many clang warnings17 months ago, by Paper
*: update17 months ago, by Paper
core/fs: finish class-ification of paths17 months ago, by Paper
filesystem: WIP class-ification of paths17 months ago, by Paper
filesystem: add basename and stem functions17 months ago, by Paper
sidebar: link view menu and sidebar together17 months ago, by Paper
*: merge17 months ago, by Paper
deps: add animia for open files detection17 months ago, by Paper
add xml lib, we will need to use it eventually18 months ago, by Paper
add stub pages (to be implemented)18 months ago, by Paper
ci: remove OS X build, it doesn't work and it's a pain in the ass18 months ago, by Paper
anime list: we are finally read-write18 months ago, by Paper
window: add about window,18 months ago, by Paper
text.cpp: set paragraph width from document, labelled texts are now...18 months ago, by Paper
paragraph: fix size hint18 months ago, by Paper
statistics.cpp: show requests made18 months ago, by Paper
information.cpp: add widgets to the list tab, and add an18 months ago, by Paper
*: update...18 months ago, by Paper
filesystem: split config path into dotpath and config, add anime db path18 months ago, by Paper
filesystem: fix CreateDirectories function18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: Use the actually supported Ubuntu image18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: update Darling18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: revert debian back to oldstable (bullseye)18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: use apt to install deb file18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: darling is different from wine18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: take a different approach18 months ago, by Paper
window.cpp: fix sidebar on Linux18 months ago, by Paper
*: mass update18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: use debian instead of alpine18 months ago, by Paper
ci/osx: attempt #2 at making this work18 months ago, by Paper
ci: fix URL on OS X build18 months ago, by Paper
ci: add experimental OS X build18 months ago, by Paper
ci: add win64 build18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: fix echo-ing to binfmt18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: Fix permissions18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: create binfmt_misc status file18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: install native cmake18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: fix quasi-msys2 path18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: fix stupid missing double quote18 months ago, by Paper
ci/win32: install xz18 months ago, by Paper
ci: use "dev" versions of packages where applicable18 months ago, by Paper
ci: switch image from arch to alpine18 months ago, by Paper
ci: add win32 build file18 months ago, by Paper
*: redefine ARRAYSIZE on platforms that don't include it18 months ago, by Paper
anime_list.cpp: fix build failures on linux18 months ago, by Paper
*nix: add missing header file for stat18 months ago, by Paper
cmake: only enable OBJCXX on OS X18 months ago, by Paper
CI: add linux build, untested18 months ago, by Paper
*: update, megacommit :)18 months ago, by Paper
LICENSE: change to BSD 3-clause18 months ago, by Paper
git2hg: convert git files18 months ago, by Paper
cmake: fix for mingw18 months ago, by Paper
*: use C++11 standard18 months ago, by Paper
Update18 months ago, by Paper
INCOMPLETE: megacommit :)18 months ago, by Paper
update19 months ago, by Paper
Update19 months ago, by Paper
Update: add first parts to the settings dialog19 months ago, by Paper
Fix OS X support code19 months ago, by Paper
Set override functions as override19 months ago, by Paper
Fix many warnings19 months ago, by Paper
Update19 months ago, by Paper
*: initial commit19 months ago, by Paper
Initial commit19 months ago, by Paper