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author | Paper <> |
date | Sat, 12 Jun 2021 22:55:05 -0400 |
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// constants const OPENMPT_MODULE_RENDER_STEREOSEPARATION_PERCENT = 2 const OPENMPT_MODULE_RENDER_INTERPOLATIONFILTER_LENGTH = 1 // audio context var ChiptuneAudioContext = window['AudioContext'] || window['webkitAudioContext']; // config var ChiptuneJsConfig = function (repeatCount, stereoSeparation, interpolationFilter, context) { this.repeatCount = repeatCount; this.stereoSeparation = stereoSeparation; this.interpolationFilter = interpolationFilter; this.context = context; } ChiptuneJsConfig.prototype.constructor = ChiptuneJsConfig; // player var ChiptuneJsPlayer = function (config) { this.config = config; this.context = config.context || new ChiptuneAudioContext(); this.currentPlayingNode = null; this.handlers = []; this.touchLocked = true; } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.constructor = ChiptuneJsPlayer; // event handlers section ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.fireEvent = function (eventName, response) { var handlers = this.handlers; if (handlers.length) { handlers.forEach(function (handler) { if (handler.eventName === eventName) { handler.handler(response); } }) } } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.addHandler = function (eventName, handler) { this.handlers.push({eventName: eventName, handler: handler}); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.onEnded = function (handler) { this.addHandler('onEnded', handler); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.onError = function (handler) { this.addHandler('onError', handler); } // metadata ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.duration = function() { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_duration_seconds(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getCurrentRow = function() { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_row(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getCurrentPattern = function() { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_pattern(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getCurrentOrder = function() { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_order(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.metadata = function() { var data = {}; var keys = Pointer_stringify(libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr)).split(';'); var keyNameBuffer = 0; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { keyNameBuffer = libopenmpt._malloc(keys[i].length + 1); writeAsciiToMemory(keys[i], keyNameBuffer); data[keys[i]] = Pointer_stringify(libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_metadata(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr, keyNameBuffer)); libopenmpt._free(keyNameBuffer); } return data; } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.module_ctl_set = function(ctl, value) { return libopenmpt.ccall('openmpt_module_ctl_set', 'number', ['number', 'string', 'string'], [this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr, ctl, value]) === 1; } // playing, etc ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.unlock = function() { var context = this.context; var buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); var unlockSource = context.createBufferSource(); unlockSource.buffer = buffer; unlockSource.connect(context.destination); unlockSource.start(0); this.touchLocked = false; } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.load = function(input, callback) { if (this.touchLocked) { this.unlock(); } var player = this; if (input instanceof File) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { return callback(reader.result); // no error }.bind(this); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(input); } else { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', input, true); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onload = function(e) { if (xhr.status === 200) { return callback(xhr.response); // no error } else { player.fireEvent('onError', {type: 'onxhr'}); } }.bind(this); xhr.onerror = function() { player.fireEvent('onError', {type: 'onxhr'}); }; xhr.onabort = function() { player.fireEvent('onError', {type: 'onxhr'}); }; xhr.send(); } } = function(buffer) { this.stop(); var processNode = this.createLibopenmptNode(buffer, this.config); if (processNode == null) { return; } // set config options on module libopenmpt._openmpt_module_set_repeat_count(processNode.modulePtr, this.config.repeatCount); libopenmpt._openmpt_module_set_render_param(processNode.modulePtr, OPENMPT_MODULE_RENDER_STEREOSEPARATION_PERCENT, this.config.stereoSeparation); libopenmpt._openmpt_module_set_render_param(processNode.modulePtr, OPENMPT_MODULE_RENDER_INTERPOLATIONFILTER_LENGTH, this.config.interpolationFilter); this.currentPlayingNode = processNode; processNode.connect(this.context.destination); } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.currentPlayingNode != null) { this.currentPlayingNode.disconnect(); this.currentPlayingNode.cleanup(); this.currentPlayingNode = null; } } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.togglePause = function() { if (this.currentPlayingNode != null) { this.currentPlayingNode.togglePause(); } } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.createLibopenmptNode = function(buffer, config) { // TODO error checking in this whole function var maxFramesPerChunk = 4096; var processNode = this.context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 0, 2); processNode.config = config; processNode.player = this; var byteArray = new Int8Array(buffer); var ptrToFile = libopenmpt._malloc(byteArray.byteLength); libopenmpt.HEAPU8.set(byteArray, ptrToFile); processNode.modulePtr = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_create_from_memory(ptrToFile, byteArray.byteLength, 0, 0, 0); processNode.paused = false; processNode.leftBufferPtr = libopenmpt._malloc(4 * maxFramesPerChunk); processNode.rightBufferPtr = libopenmpt._malloc(4 * maxFramesPerChunk); processNode.cleanup = function() { if (this.modulePtr != 0) { libopenmpt._openmpt_module_destroy(this.modulePtr); this.modulePtr = 0; } if (this.leftBufferPtr != 0) { libopenmpt._free(this.leftBufferPtr); this.leftBufferPtr = 0; } if (this.rightBufferPtr != 0) { libopenmpt._free(this.rightBufferPtr); this.rightBufferPtr = 0; } } processNode.stop = function() { this.disconnect(); this.cleanup(); } processNode.pause = function() { this.paused = true; } processNode.unpause = function() { this.paused = false; } processNode.togglePause = function() { this.paused = !this.paused; } processNode.onaudioprocess = function(e) { var outputL = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); var outputR = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1); var framesToRender = outputL.length; if (this.ModulePtr == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < framesToRender; ++i) { outputL[i] = 0; outputR[i] = 0; } this.disconnect(); this.cleanup(); return; } if (this.paused) { for (var i = 0; i < framesToRender; ++i) { outputL[i] = 0; outputR[i] = 0; } return; } var framesRendered = 0; var ended = false; var error = false; while (framesToRender > 0) { var framesPerChunk = Math.min(framesToRender, maxFramesPerChunk); var actualFramesPerChunk = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_read_float_stereo(this.modulePtr, this.context.sampleRate, framesPerChunk, this.leftBufferPtr, this.rightBufferPtr); if (actualFramesPerChunk == 0) { ended = true; // modulePtr will be 0 on openmpt: error: openmpt_module_read_float_stereo: ERROR: module * not valid or other openmpt error error = !this.modulePtr; } var rawAudioLeft = libopenmpt.HEAPF32.subarray(this.leftBufferPtr / 4, this.leftBufferPtr / 4 + actualFramesPerChunk); var rawAudioRight = libopenmpt.HEAPF32.subarray(this.rightBufferPtr / 4, this.rightBufferPtr / 4 + actualFramesPerChunk); for (var i = 0; i < actualFramesPerChunk; ++i) { outputL[framesRendered + i] = rawAudioLeft[i]; outputR[framesRendered + i] = rawAudioRight[i]; } for (var i = actualFramesPerChunk; i < framesPerChunk; ++i) { outputL[framesRendered + i] = 0; outputR[framesRendered + i] = 0; } framesToRender -= framesPerChunk; framesRendered += framesPerChunk; } if (ended) { this.disconnect(); this.cleanup(); error ? processNode.player.fireEvent('onError', {type: 'openmpt'}) : processNode.player.fireEvent('onEnded'); } } return processNode; }