Mercurial > web
changeset 64:b3d3ac6f8c9d
*: Update site contents
* make video only load on desktops
* make music files actually download
* remove `target=_blank` from links on main page
author | Paper <> |
date | Mon, 19 Dec 2022 21:18:59 -0500 (2022-12-20) |
parents | 3946995eb2e6 |
children | 008e41cbef1b |
files | index.html music.html |
diffstat | 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) [+] |
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/index.html Mon Dec 19 20:14:04 2022 -0500 +++ b/index.html Mon Dec 19 21:18:59 2022 -0500 @@ -40,8 +40,11 @@ top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: -1; + display: none; } body { + background: url('landscapeposter.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed; + background-size: cover; background-color: 1F255A; font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; overflow: hidden; @@ -75,23 +78,25 @@ </style> <script nonce="paper-web-inline"> function setbg() { - document.getElementById("bg").style.display = "none"; - = "url('landscapeposter.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed"; - = "cover"; + video = document.getElementById("bg"); + + = "inline"; + video.load(); +; } window.onload = function() { // Mobile device check if (window.navigator.userAgentData) { // Checks if userAgentData is even defined (Safari) - if (window.navigator.userAgentData["mobile"]) { // Checks if it says it's mobile + if (!window.navigator.userAgentData["mobile"]) { // Checks if it says it's mobile setbg(); } - } else if (/Mobi/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { // Fallback + } else if (!(/Mobi/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent))) { // Fallback setbg(); } } </script> </head> <body> - <video autoplay muted loop playsinline id="bg" poster="landscapeposter.jpg"> + <video muted loop playsinline id="bg" poster="landscapeposter.jpg"> <source src="landscapeloop.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <!-- from Hibike! Euphonium --> </video> <div class="box"> @@ -99,21 +104,21 @@ <h2>I'm Paper!</h2> <p>I make YTPMV and chiptunes.</p> <div class="fs-4 mb-3 logos"> - <a target="_blank" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="bi bi-youtube" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> + <a href=""><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="bi bi-youtube" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M8.051 1.999h.089c.822.003 4.987.033 6.11.335a2.01 2.01 0 0 1 1.415 1.42c. 1.402l. 1.77.074 1.957v.075c-.001.194-.01 1.108-.082 2.06l-.008.105-.009.104c-.05.572-.124 1.14-.235 1.558a2.007 2.007 0 0 1-1.415 1.42c-1.16.312-5.569.334-6.18.335h-.142c-.309 0-1.587-.006-2.927-.052l-.17-.006-.087-.004-.171-.007-.171-.007c-1.11-.049-2.167-.128-2.654-.26a2.007 2.007 0 0 1-1.415-1.419c-.111-.417-.185-.986-.235-1.558L.09 9.82l-.008-.104A31.4 31.4 0 0 1 0 7.68v-.123c.002-.215.01-.958.064-1.778l.007-.103.003-.052.008-.104.022-.26.01-.104c.048-.519.119-1.023.22-1.402a2.007 2.007 0 0 1 1.415-1.42c.487-.13 1.544-.21 2.654-.26l.17-.007.172-.006.086-.003.171-.007A99.788 99.788 0 0 1 7.858 2h.193zM6.4 5.209v4.818l4.157-2.408L6.4 5.209z"/> </svg></a> - <a target="_blank" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="bi bi-twitter" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> + <a href=""><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="bi bi-twitter" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M5.026 15c6.038 0 9.341-5.003 9.341-9.334 0-.14 0-.282-.006-.422A6.685 6.685 0 0 0 16 3.542a6.658 6.658 0 0 1-1.889.518 3.301 3.301 0 0 0 1.447-1.817 6.533 6.533 0 0 1-2.087.793A3.286 3.286 0 0 0 7.875 6.03a9.325 9.325 0 0 1-6.767-3.429 3.289 3.289 0 0 0 1.018 4.382A3.323 3.323 0 0 1 .64 6.575v.045a3.288 3.288 0 0 0 2.632 3.218 3.203 3.203 0 0 1-.865.115 3.23 3.23 0 0 1-.614-.057 3.283 3.283 0 0 0 3.067 2.277A6.588 6.588 0 0 1 .78 13.58a6.32 6.32 0 0 1-.78-.045A9.344 9.344 0 0 0 5.026 15z"/> </svg></a> - <a target="_blank" href=""><svg version="1.1" id="svg108" width="32" height="32" fill="white" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""><defs id="defs112"/> <g id="g114"><image id="mod-archive" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="none" xlink:href=" + <a href=""><svg version="1.1" id="svg108" width="32" height="32" fill="white" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""><defs id="defs112"/> <g id="g114"><image id="mod-archive" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="none" xlink:href=" jwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAABvSURBVDhP1ZDRCYAwDERjp3AER3EUN+q48RLu o5JIbQXBB7E+rhxR+QRVXW2oEYSbDTWAzKFGmN9eYJzmhecF3N1tqH28HlC73pJu0ANdhw11fAOq +9QGLQVFle/WXEd9wSP9OU95/wk8p/l9gcgJo2aKKBW4giYAAAAASUVORK5CYII= " id="image116" /></g></svg></a> - <a target="_blank" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="bi bi-instagram" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> + <a href=""><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="bi bi-instagram" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M8 0C5.829 0 5.556.01 4.703.048 3.85.088 3.269.222 2.76.42a3.917 3.917 0 0 0-1.417.923A3.927 3.927 0 0 0 .42 2.76C.222 3.268.087 3.85.048 4.7.01 5.555 0 5.827 0 8.001c0 2.172.01 2.444.048 1.433.372 1.942.205.526.478.972.923 1.417.444.445.89.719 1.416.923.51.198 1.09.333 1.942.372C5.555 15.99 5.827 16 8 16s2.444-.01 3.298-.048c.851-.04 1.434-.174 1.943-.372a3.916 3.916 0 0 0 1.416-.923c.445-.445.718-.891.923-1.417.197-.509.332-1.09.372-1.942C15.99 10.445 16 10.173 16 8s-.01-2.445-.048-3.299c-.04-.851-.175-1.433-.372-1.941a3.926 3.926 0 0 0-.923-1.417A3.911 3.911 0 0 0 13.24.42c-.51-.198-1.092-.333-1.943-.372C10.443.01 10.172 0 7.998 0h.003zm-.717 1.442h.718c2.136 0 2.389.007 1.204.166 1.486.275.373.145.64.319.92.599.28.28.453.546.598. 1.485.039.843.047 1.096.047 3.231s-.008 2.389-.047 3.232c-.035.78-.166 1.203-.275 1.485a2.47 2.47 0 0 1-.599.919c-.28.28-.546.453-.92.598-.28.11-.704.24-1.485.276-.843.038-1.096.047-3.232.047s-2.39-.009-3.233-.047c-.78-.036-1.203-.166-1.485-.276a2.478 2.478 0 0 1-.92-.598 2.48 2.48 0 0 1-.6-.92c-.109-.281-.24-.705-.275-1.485-.038-.843-.046-1.096-.046-3.233 0-2.136.008-2.388.046-3.231.036-.78.166-1.204.276-1.486.145-.373.319-.64.599-.92.28-.28.546-.453.92-.598.282-.11.705-.24 1.485-.276.738-.034 1.024-.044 2.515-.045v.002zm4.988 1.328a.96.96 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1.92zm-4.27 1.122a4.109 4.109 0 1 0 0 8.217 4.109 4.109 0 0 0 0-8.217zm0 1.441a2.667 2.667 0 1 1 0 5.334 2.667 2.667 0 0 1 0-5.334z"/> </svg></a> </div>
--- a/music.html Mon Dec 19 20:14:04 2022 -0500 +++ b/music.html Mon Dec 19 21:18:59 2022 -0500 @@ -111,33 +111,33 @@ </div> <div class="box"> <h2>Originals</h2> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_old_desk_tribute.xm">Old Desk Tribute [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_old_desk_tribute.xm">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_chippygolucky.xm">Chippy-Go-Lucky [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_chippygolucky.xm">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Whistling Meadows [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_shartlover.s3m">xX ShartLover1337 Xx [.S3M]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_shartlover.s3m">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Reaching the World Border [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_sarta.mptm">THIS IS SARTA [.MPTM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_sarta.mptm">(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_old_desk_tribute.xm">Old Desk Tribute [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_old_desk_tribute.xm" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_chippygolucky.xm">Chippy-Go-Lucky [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_chippygolucky.xm" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Whistling Meadows [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_shartlover.s3m">xX ShartLover1337 Xx [.S3M]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_shartlover.s3m" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Reaching the World Border [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_sarta.mptm">THIS IS SARTA [.MPTM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_sarta.mptm" download>(Download)</a></p> </div> <div class="box"> <h2>Collabs</h2> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">USA Keyboard (co-op with ishineee, rainbow, and quyu) [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">USA Keyboard (co-op with ishineee, rainbow, and quyu) [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> </div> <div class="box"> <h2>Covers</h2> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Razerek - huxchx [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/gerudo_valley.s3m">Gerudo Valley (OPL2) [.S3M]</a> <a href="./music/gerudo_valley.s3m">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_tintin_on_the_moon.mod">TinTin on the Moon [.MOD]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_tintin_on_the_moon.mod">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_dance_in_the_universe_cover.mod">Dance in the universe cover [.MOD]</a> <a href="music/paper_-_dance_in_the_universe_cover.mod">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Super Mario 64 - Bob-omb Battlefield Remix [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">(mashup) Drax - Tiger Mission Hi-score + ESCHATOS OST - Point of No Return [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">(remake) Naruto - VRC6N001 [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Deltarune - Hip Shop [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">ziner - Flatwoods Monster [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_drip.xm">Leonz - Among Us Drip Theme [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_drip.xm">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Childish Gambino - 3005 [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Cho Ren Sha 68k - Infinity [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Aphex Twin - Avril 14th [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_visitors.xm">KOTO - Visitors [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_visitors.xm">(Download)</a></p> - <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Naruto - VRC6N001 [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/">(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Razerek - huxchx [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/gerudo_valley.s3m">Gerudo Valley (OPL2) [.S3M]</a> <a href="./music/gerudo_valley.s3m" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_tintin_on_the_moon.mod">TinTin on the Moon [.MOD]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_tintin_on_the_moon.mod" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_dance_in_the_universe_cover.mod">Dance in the universe cover [.MOD]</a> <a href="music/paper_-_dance_in_the_universe_cover.mod" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Super Mario 64 - Bob-omb Battlefield Remix [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">(mashup) Drax - Tiger Mission Hi-score + ESCHATOS OST - Point of No Return [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">(remake) Naruto - VRC6N001 [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Deltarune - Hip Shop [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">ziner - Flatwoods Monster [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_drip.xm">Leonz - Among Us Drip Theme [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_drip.xm" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Childish Gambino - 3005 [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Cho Ren Sha 68k - Infinity [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Aphex Twin - Avril 14th [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/paper_-_visitors.xm">KOTO - Visitors [.XM]</a> <a href="./music/paper_-_visitors.xm" download>(Download)</a></p> + <p><a href="#" class="song" data-modurl="./music/">Naruto - VRC6N001 [.IT]</a> <a href="./music/" download download>(Download)</a></p> </div> </body>